Everyone knows that getting a solid night of sleep is important to staying healthy and performing your best throughout the day. Nobody wakes up after 4 hours of tossing and turning feeling their best (and if you do… what is your secret?!). But falling and staying asleep for the recommended 7 – 9 hours can be tricky. Maybe you’re a light sleeper and each time your partner rolls over, you wake up, or perhaps it takes you an hour just to drift off. Either way, here are some ideas to help you have a great snooze.


Be Tired

It might sound a bit silly but making sure you’re tired enough to actually sleep will help you drift off and stay asleep. If you’ve had a nap during the afternoon and are planning on hopping into bed again at 9 pm you might find yourself unable to drift off. That afternoon nanna nap has probably meant you’re just not tired enough to sleep yet. Another great way to ensure peak sleepiness is to exercise your mind and body regularly. Reading before bed instead of playing on your phone and making exercise a part of your daily routine will all help you get a restful sleep.

Lights Dimmed, Screens Away

Blue light is the light that screens emit which can negatively impact your sleep cycle. While limiting the amount of screen time would be the best option, it’s also not possible for a lot of people who work with computers. Instead, try to limit the amount of screen time up to 2 hours before bed time. If you don’t think that’s an option for you then you can always download apps or purchase special lights that offset the blue light that screens let off.


Find Your Rhythm, Circadian Rhythm

If you haven’t heard, your circadian rhythm is your internal 24-hour clock that dictates when you sleep. Most people feel a dip in their energy levels in the middle of the night (when you’re hopefully sound asleep) and after lunch when you tend to reach for a sugary treat. Maintaining a regular sleep cycle is essential to keeping your circadian rhythm in check. So, aim to go to sleep around the same time each night and set an alarm for the same time every morning.

Limit Caffeine

That 3 pm latte might sound like a great idea when you’re elbow deep in work, but you’ll regret when you can’t sleep later that night. Caffeine impacts everyone’s body differently but in general limiting your favourite caffeinated beverage for the mornings will mean you get a good night’s sleep later on. It’s not just caffeine that can stop you from sleeping, spicy food and large meals before bed that are hard to digest will make it hard to sleep.


Try Melatonin

Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone in our bodies that when taken as a supplement can aid sleep. Of course, you should always consult a medical professional before taking any supplement, but melatonin is readily available in chemists as a natural cure for insomnia.

Do you have any sleeping tips and tricks that you rely on LiveTribers? Let us know in the comment section below!


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