Why Should Australians Cut Clothes Shopping By 74% For The Climate?

To combat global warming, people in wealthy countries need to stop buying so many clothes. Australians buy more cheap fashion than any other wealthy nation, according to the Berlin-based thinktank ‘Hot or Cool Institute’ and need to reduce their clothing consumption by 74%. What are your thoughts LiveTribers? Why should Australians cut clothes shopping by 74% for the climate?

Posted by on 05 Mar 2024

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    Minh-Hai Henry

    People should just buy what they need and not overconsume. Not sure how this directly impacts climate change though.

    Posted by Minh-Hai Henry on 15 May 2024

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    Think of the energy consumed to produce and distribute clothing as well as its contribution to climate change and I think it becomes blatantly obvious that clothes shopping should be reduced substantially, by what percentage, who knows.

    Posted by John on 05 May 2024

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    Absolutely!! But I also think more education on the impact fashion, especially fast fashion, has on the environment is needed. We need more attention on sustainable and ethical brands.

    Posted by Bonnie on 01 May 2024

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    Fashion is an ugly word for many people. They need to keep up an image so they but surplus levels of clothes that sit in the wardrobes. such a waste and thriving in our excess society.

    Posted by darc on 12 Apr 2024

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    Most clothing is wasteful and not really required. In weathy countries it is thrown out after only a few wears and does not get recycled and ends up in land fill. Many of the fabrics used do not composite or breakdown and will be in the environment for years, just adding to pollution. Much of it is unsustainable and uses too much energy to make and adds to the carbon dioxide load.

    Posted by Seabirds on 12 Apr 2024

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    I would be lucky to buy one new garment a year and most of my wardrobe is close to 20 years old with some items 40 years old. I usually buy from op shops if I need something and that is rarely new in the first place. Think I might be doing my bit for the planet.

    Posted by CILLY0 on 12 Apr 2024

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    I don't really buy new clothes that much myself. I wear them as long as I can. I probably only buy a few items a year.

    Posted by vlee on 12 Apr 2024

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    When it comes to unneccessary waste the fast fashion industry certainly excels. What makes the waste worse is all the synthetic fibre garments that are not going to biodegrade in a hurry. Perhaps we should look into our wardrobes a decide how much more new clothing we need, that extra shirt, jeans, stuff like that and decide we actually have enough clothing.

    Posted by John on 12 Mar 2024

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    It'd be better for the environment. We don't really need that many clothes anyway. A lot of clothes might get worn once or worse not at all.

    Posted by SagoLeo on 12 Mar 2024

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    I love op shopping. Not sure I'm cutting my clothing purchases but at least they are second hand.

    Posted by Kittykato on 12 Mar 2024

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    Us Western spolit for choice snowflakes should buy less....However, what affect this will have on 3rd World unemployment and associated poverty remains an issue. We need to turn rags into paper as we did before Harris Daishawa cornered the market with wood to paper pulp!

    Posted by mact on 08 Mar 2024

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    she cat

    You often hear, I've got nothing to wear yet if we really look at our clothes, we can put something together for any occasion. have a multiple color choice or just plain clothing with no patterns or just black and white. Depending on the occasion you can buy a really nice outfit from an Op shop rather than spending a fortune. Look at the tags, where are the clothes made? China is the most common. Try hanging your clothes in your wardrobe opposite way round then when you wear that outfit it goes the right way, if you don't wear something within one year Op shop it, there are poorer countries that could benefit.

    Posted by she cat on 07 Mar 2024

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    How sad that some people are getting so worked up over nothing. Maybe taking a chill pill might help.

    Posted by MS on 06 Mar 2024

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    If people saw the hills made of clothes in landfill we send overseas they'd be less flippant about doing their own thing. It's also the government's fault for not announcing the climate emergency. People have no idea how the world is changing and under escalating disasters. When crops fail, and immigration increases there will be wars and civil war over water and food. Add to that extreme weather events getting worse, it's apocalyptic. Ignoring it won't help.

    Posted by Paoulo on 06 Mar 2024

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    I can't believe how low the standards of these surveys have sunk. It would be better not having them than some of the inane questions being asked lately.

    Posted by ere on 06 Mar 2024

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    Well it says it's the same person posting them, beginning with the letter A...

    Posted by MS on 06 Mar 2024

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    It's Anna. Seems he/she is a Livetribe staff member. Obviously, they are being punished for a previous transgression and made to post these stupid surveys to atone for their sins.

    Posted by ere on 09 Mar 2024

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    Oh for goodness sake !!!! What next ??

    Posted by Gandalf1 on 06 Mar 2024

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    It is up to each and every individual to decide what they want to do. I use most of the clothes I get. Any that I don't use that are in good condition, I give to my friends, family and the charity shops. Anything that is very worn, we convert into rags or dusting cloths. I think it is good for each person to decide what they want to do for the environment. I recycle many things. People are getting tired of other people lecturing them about the environment. I don't like being told what to do by people who are very wealthy, who have many large 4wd cars and who travel a lot by aeroplane, especially by private jets. These people are so wealthy and yet lecture everybody else on how to live. Everybody should do what they can, as it suits them. I choose to recycle and to use air conditioning when it is really needed. Everybody should do what they want to do. If we don't have true freedom, then we are living in a communist country or close to it.

    Posted by tassiegirl on 06 Mar 2024

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    I wont be cutting my love of cheap clothes shopping Adore Temu and Shein here, my size, styles i like and its affordable this thinktank can go jump

    Posted by squeekums1 on 05 Mar 2024

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    What a load of rubbish! The berlin-think tank says? Lol. I don't think it's anyone's business how much clothing one buys. I have not brought much this year btw. I have enough to last me for quite a while. You can always dispose of clothing thoughtfully. Give them away. Use them as rags for certain purposes. Asia produces a lot of cheap clothing, so it's sold to various countries. The wealthy buy the most clothing and handbags. I don't really believe that CC is due to humans anyway. How about we stop telling others how to live for a change! I'm sick of this BULL! I'm all for recycling and good environmental living tho.

    Posted by MS on 05 Mar 2024

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    Agree, all this CC hype is a load of rubbish, they use it as an excuse for everything these days, incl. interest rate rises WTH!!

    Posted by Elandra on 08 Mar 2024

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    I'm guilty of having too many clothes too! Yes we need to cut back drastically to save the Earth.

    Posted by sulter on 05 Mar 2024

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