How Fast Can Wombats Run?

It's claimed a wombat can run faster than any human over a distance of 100 metres. Now, an exhaustive ABC investigation has tracked down the truth of the 40kph sprinting wombat myth. Did you ever hear the animal "fact" that a wombat could beat the world's fastest human, Usain Bolt, in a footrace? Bolt's world record 100-metre run was completed in 9.58 seconds at an average speed of 37.58 kilometres per hour. And while Bolt briefly hit just under 44 kph in his best run, a wombat, so we've been told, could outpace the Jamaican great at 40 kph over the same distance for a nine-second run. What are your thoughts LiveTribers? How fast can wombats run?

Posted by on 23 Apr 2024

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    I have seen them absolutely sprint out from nowhere in the bush, but moreso onthe side of the road. I was totally sure the first time, an I'm telling you, they sure can run fast, especially the biggest ones. So I wouldn't doubt this information about them outrunning any human. I fully believe they could. Remember also, they have 4 legs, so if they are equaling or close to equaling a 40km per hr just spontaneously, (which I believe I've seen them do), imagine how much faster they would be when pushed to the limit.

    Posted by Jennifer on 29 May 2024

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    Don't know but we have them in our garden and they drive our dogs crazy. I wouldn't want to get in the way of a wombat on the run. They are big and bulky.

    Posted by chook88 on 17 May 2024

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    As someone who sees them regularly at home, I can't imagine it. I know they can run but they usually don't have a pace like that when I see them.

    Posted by Claire on 17 May 2024

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    Sadly the Victorian ones are probably the fastest because that loophole wasn't changed until 2020 banning the shooting of them at that hunting lodge. The stories will be told to their little ones, the need for speed

    Posted by FLAYMM on 15 May 2024

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    Maybe very fast

    Posted by YvetteP on 05 May 2024

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    Wouldn't believe it until i see it.

    Posted by McCOOL on 05 May 2024

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    Wouldn't know

    Posted by Jigsaw on 05 May 2024

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    I had no idea! The ones I have seen were much more sedate; however, I am glad to know they can run that fast to get to safety when required : )

    Posted by Spiderwoman on 05 May 2024

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    Wow! I have seen a wombat run but never realised they were that fast.

    Posted by Tammy on 05 May 2024

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    I have heard that wombats can be fast runners, but I have no idea how fast!

    Posted by tutti_cutie on 05 May 2024

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    I have not heard this before. That is amazing to know. Good on the wombat.

    Posted by tassiegirl on 05 May 2024

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    I can't imagine this to be true, they can run quite fast if they need to be not very far I would think.

    Posted by LeafyGreen on 05 May 2024

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    Hard to imagine if they can, but then they have to be able to listen to racing instructions if we were to pit them against a human in a 100 metre race, for us to find out!

    Posted by fatmantis on 01 May 2024

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    Never seen a wombat run before so I dont know how true is this.

    Posted by Maryam on 01 May 2024

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    I wouldn't be surprised considering they are mainly muscle but the only way it can outpace a human if it can launch sooner.

    Posted by Kaede on 01 May 2024

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    I think it's just a rumor that wombats can run faster than humans at all. Instead, wombat is rather slow.

    Posted by Jay on 01 May 2024

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    Wombats i have seen in the wild can get mobile but only for a short distance

    Posted by Swampy on 01 May 2024

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    True to the saying, look is deceiving.

    Posted by Chin on 01 May 2024

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    wrestling collector

    I find it hard to believe it,nowdays a race wouldn't be allowed,so we will never know.

    Posted by wrestling collector on 01 May 2024

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    "Over 100 meters"? I doubt this. Such little legs and a stumpy body would make it very hard

    Posted by Miro on 01 May 2024

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    I wouldn't have thought they could keep up the speed for very long though.

    Posted by Kittykato on 01 May 2024

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    Yes, growing up in the country I've seen wombats run and they are fast. Sadly, not quick enough to get across roads and even faster cars, sometimes. It would be fun to watch a race between a human and a wombat :)

    Posted by sandra on 01 May 2024

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    Wombats are little legends. The ABC did a documentary on them titled Wombats, Bulldozers of the Bush that is very worthwile watching. You would love how they deal with electric fences.

    Posted by John on 01 May 2024

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    It's hard to imagine a wombat running fast but nothing surprises me these days anymore.

    Posted by Jibberman on 01 May 2024

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    Wombats can be very fast when they want to get somewhere. Even baby wombats get the zoomies.

    Posted by merryl on 01 May 2024

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    I'd never heard this before. Reading your post made me do a search to find out more.

    Posted by vlee on 01 May 2024

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    Very interesting, I had always thought wombats were slow. Never knew they could run that fast

    Posted by TonyLT on 01 May 2024

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    Ive seen a wombat run, I could not believe how fast they can move, verry impressive. :)

    Posted by gail00 on 29 Apr 2024

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    I've been following animals all my life,was to be a carer,until arthritis took over,but a wombat can definately run 50ks hr

    Posted by jennifer on 29 Apr 2024

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    If fleeing,they can run up to 50 KMs hr

    Posted by jennifer on 27 Apr 2024

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    Yes they can it would take a long time for us human to achieved this.

    Posted by George on 27 Apr 2024

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    When wombats mate, the male will chase the female around in a figure 8 and they both work up quite the speed until eventually she succumbs to his advances. The faster he gets, the luckier he is so it's very possible!

    Posted by Alexina on 26 Apr 2024

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    All I know is that just about anything [other than a sloth, perhaps] could run faster than I can, so I will make sure I am nowhere near any of them trying to get away.

    Posted by CILLY0 on 26 Apr 2024

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    Loner wolf

    I always thought to my self that Drop Bears are faster than any known Australian marsupial. Ok! Much faster indeed than any Wombat at full stretch. They can outrun humans by a staggering ten to one. Which makes them formidable in any major running league. Especially from the first of April every year. He..he..

    Posted by Loner wolf on 26 Apr 2024

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    Wombats may not be the fastest runners, but they can still reach speeds of up to 25 miles per hour!

    Posted by Ruth on 25 Apr 2024

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    That's pretty fast barrelling along. I think koala's are pretty fast too

    Posted by Enchantress on 24 Apr 2024

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    Another interesting "fact" about wombats, they have more intelligence than the person posting these inane topics

    Posted by ere on 24 Apr 2024

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    Definitely stands to offer that a wombat has 4 legs means double everything

    Posted by Valarie on 24 Apr 2024

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    Fast enough to catch up to the inane selectors of topics for the forums!!?!

    Posted by mact on 23 Apr 2024

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    Well when you consider that animals have 4 legs and humans only two, it stands to reason doesnt it? Just like a horse can outrun a human.

    Posted by MS on 23 Apr 2024

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    I don't care! Is this the best subject you can come up with? There are far more important things going on in the world than wondering about the athletic ability of wombats. This seems more like a trivia question or quiz.,,,,,

    Posted by MS on 23 Apr 2024

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    Unfortunately they cannot outrun the cars that hit them.

    Posted by sulter on 23 Apr 2024

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