How Can Singing In A Choir Help Our Brains And Bodies From Burnout?

For some, the sensation feels like fireworks exploding out of their brain into the night sky. For others, there’s a kind of buzz, electricity, or vibration. Goosebumps cover their whole body. "A bit like a warm hug." A moment of "collective happiness", "clarity", and feeling totally grounded. Entering some kind of "flow state". This is what it's like to sing in harmony as part of a community choir. Humans have come together in song for tens of thousands of years. Through ancient song lines and sacred hymns, in times of celebration and in grief. What are your thoughts LiveTribers? How can singing in a choir help our brains and bodies from burnout?

Posted by on 14 May 2024

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    Being part of a community/group that share the same enthusiasm for singing and share common interests and support and collaborate with each other to form a beautiful sound is good for your soul and inner happiness. It is something for yourself, people don't sing for others they sing because they like what singing does for them. This is why it helps prevent burnout because you are nurturing and experiencing something you want to do/like to do. This would be the same for anyone that has a hobby not just being part of a choir.

    Posted by Jessica on 31 May 2024

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    With my voice I wouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a choir

    Posted by Turbotom on 29 May 2024

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    Never mind! Most of us are not talented either. I do wonder how some singers ever make it as they have very boring voices. Taylor Swift comes to mind.

    Posted by MS on 30 May 2024

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    Not too sure about preventing burnout but there's something nice about belonging to a community where you feel safe.

    Posted by Kaede on 23 May 2024

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    Great to be part of a group doing something like this. So good for your health and mind.

    Posted by Seshachalapathi on 23 May 2024

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    If you love singing then t's your thing for stress relief and relaxation.

    Posted by sulter on 20 May 2024

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    It would be good if proof was provided before writing comments.

    Posted by MS on 19 May 2024

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    Yourself included.

    Posted by Spiderwoman on 22 May 2024

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    I like to be factual before writing comments. Unlike some, i don't overreact to something with out proof

    Posted by MS on 23 May 2024

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    I think you should re-read some of your comments. You come across as opinionated and intolerant. Just try singing in a choir. I am sure you will be treated with far more respect than you show to others. I hope you have a pleasant day.

    Posted by Spiderwoman on 27 May 2024

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    I'm not being rude. Just expressing my opinion. It's you that is showing intolerance. I just asked you to provide evidence and you cannot. I did try it at school as did others and no one seem that enthused by it. Most people don't sing in a choir. Unless you are an expert on this subject it's time you moved on .

    Posted by MS on 27 May 2024

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    No such evidence that it helps with burn out. More rubbish! No evidence for reducing stress and probably only a temporary, if any effect. Sorry, but I bet most of you don't even go singing?

    Posted by MS on 18 May 2024

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    Singing in a choir helps fight burnout by bringing people together, reducing stress, and boosting happiness. It lets you focus on the moment, express emotions, and feel a sense of community.

    Posted by topa on 17 May 2024

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    Synchronicity is thet wondrous universal action that brings disparate things together to form a unique harmony. It works with voice very well. Try it with a few friends each person tones a comfortable note and holds the note. Each note from each person is different but held long enough the notes combine into a unique harmonious sound. I remember attending a Don Maclean concert. He divided the room into 3 , about 1000 voices in each and we sang in rounds. The sound was truly beautiful.

    Posted by David on 17 May 2024

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    You can the same buzz going for a run or swimming. It's only a slight benefit.

    Posted by MS on 17 May 2024

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    I think the collective/tribal nature of choirs definitely helps to boost that feeling of 'belonging'. plus when everyone hits that note and harmonises? ugh pure goosebumps

    Posted by Weezey on 17 May 2024

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    probably to do with social interaction. also singing does make for great fun !

    Posted by Grace on 17 May 2024

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    Not too sure but it probably helps take people's mind off their problems and stress so that's a good thing

    Posted by chook88 on 17 May 2024

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    I love singing, it always provide a lot of positive vibe to me spiritually, psychologically and emotionally. Sometimes I dance a bit when I sing along. It helps to boost some physical work outs to my body. From the dementia information I gathered in the past, singing in a choir provided social interactions that were proven to be benefitial to their mental beings. Singing provides them opportunities to exercise their intellectual capacities. It also provides good vibe to boost their emotional wellbeings. I wateched videos of how these people sang, amazing. Nothing really can stop people to hum along....It boosts people's confidence for achievements.

    Posted by June on 17 May 2024

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    There's no evidence it will help dementia.

    Posted by MS on 17 May 2024

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    Speaking for myself...I love singing. I am in the church choir, sing at a country music club, have appeared in many theatre musical shows (only in the chorus) and I think music makes the world a happier place. I have made many friends over the years and have lots of memories. As Karen Carpenter sang.."dont worry if it's not good enough for anyone else to hear..just sing, sing a song."

    Posted by Kimmykat on 17 May 2024

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    I generally only sing in the car to save everyone elses ears! But it does make you feel good.

    Posted by Kittykato on 17 May 2024

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    It works out as meditation, stress relief

    Posted by Hemal on 17 May 2024

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    Stress is subjective. Singing will only provide limited benefits if at all.

    Posted by MS on 17 May 2024

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    opens up neural pathways that may other wise lay dormant

    Posted by Joshy79 on 17 May 2024

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    And where's your evidence for this? Lol

    Posted by MS on 17 May 2024

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    wrestling collector

    possibly it could be the communal feeling of doing something with people who have a common interest

    Posted by wrestling collector on 17 May 2024

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    Music has a positive effect on dementia patients and it's certainly possible that it can do good things for all of us. One comment here says 'most people on here are writing rubbish' - I think that is a bit harsh. If it works for you, keep doing it, if not, find something else but don't put others down.

    Posted by sandra on 17 May 2024

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    I'm going on evidence and not just opinion. Too many people make judgements with out backing it up with factual evidence. You can get the same slight buz from going jogging. It's only a temporary sensation that some, but not all people will feel. So let's stick with facts please.

    Posted by MS on 17 May 2024

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    Singing is overrated. I don't know anyone who sings in a group. Most people on here are writing rubbish.

    Posted by MS on 17 May 2024

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    I guess because music makes you feel better and singing makes you happy.

    Posted by Ally42 on 17 May 2024

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    Personally I love to sing, it makes me happy. Sadly, I am tone deaf, and flat as a tack, so don't sing in a choir, but did join in a one-off outdoor event that a local council was running where anyone could partake. We learned and sang Simply the Best, and what fun it was. I like the idea of Pub Choirs where anyone can join in, regardless of ability. Have thought of taking some singing lessons, but I'm not sure it would help. So I'll keep on singing at home, and when I feel like it... It certainly seems good for the soul!

    Posted by soot on 16 May 2024

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    Any activity that can take the focus away from yourself, even if for an hour or so, is a good thing, especially if it adjusts your perception in a positive way. Besides, singing in a choir is fun!

    Posted by Lee1 on 15 May 2024

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    any form of expression that releases stress, be it singing, dancing, acting, done with a group of people,or singly is good

    Posted by kezza61 on 15 May 2024

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    I think people would get more satisfaction playing sport than singing in a choir. It's probably something you are more likely to do in school or a church. For most adults.. it's quite silly and old fashioned. Many would not be seen dead doing this. Some on here write as if they are experts on the human brain. There isn't any proof that it's effective and it's just subjective. So stop trying to write as if you have proof. If that's what turns you on, then go for it! Just don't try to say that it will work for most, it certainly wont.

    Posted by MS on 15 May 2024

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    There is no real proof of that . Some people will believe anything!

    Posted by MS on 15 May 2024

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    Yes indeed! There's an extensive volume of research that shows how singing as part of a group can alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation, and increase self-efficacy and self-esteem. And cheap, 2!

    Posted by Spiderwoman on 15 May 2024

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    Wheres your evidence regarding extensive research? Lol

    Posted by MS on 15 May 2024

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    Look it up if you are interested, MS; it is fact extensive.

    Posted by Spiderwoman on 22 May 2024

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    Lol. Thanks, but it's subjective. Not proven to be the case for many. Given that only limited amount of people do singing in groups. So you believe everything what you read on the internet? It would only provide a temporary feel good vibe if you like to sing in groups. There are plenty of people who don't feel that. Go jog and see how you feel after that? Doesn't change your brain longer term.

    Posted by MS on 23 May 2024

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    It will reduce the stress, stimulate our brains and enhance the social connection .

    Posted by Jay on 15 May 2024

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    Choral singing is one of the most enjoyable examples of teamwork! Everyone is different, but everyone has something to offer. The end result is of far greater value than simply the sum of each individual's contribution, and is therefore very satisfying.

    Posted by Elsa on 15 May 2024

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    music is universal as as language

    Posted by Joshy79 on 15 May 2024

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    I'm not sure if it can help our brains and bodies from burnout, but singing in unison with others certainly makes one and keeps one feeling happy for quite a long time.

    Posted by CILLY0 on 15 May 2024

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    Music has been known and proven for several millenniums to have a great saturative, calming, and healing effect on the mind and the body. Science has also proven that our bodies respond to specific harmonic waves and music notes on certain keys - factored from the musical character of the chemical components of our DNA (anyone can research and read up on this). Singing in the choir then is beneficial to the brains and bodies of participants because they are not just listening to other people sing but are active members. The neurons of singers and the overall response of their hormonal activities allows for their minds and bodies to be rejuvenated quickly and to find a place of vibrancy that keeps stress away.

    Posted by Sam on 15 May 2024

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    It is so silly and naive to believe what a bunch of researchers say as gospel. Not all researchers agree with each other. Many people don't have time to go to singing events, even if they wanted too. You can do it at home . No need to go to some place and sing with a bunch of people you might not relate to. If it worked for creating happiness or stress relief them why aren't most people doing it? It's all BS as far as I'm concerned!

    Posted by MS on 15 May 2024

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    Wrong! Music can be beneficial but there is no concrete evidence that it alters the the way you claim. Listening to music can be good for us, but singing is a different activity. Stress is as individual as our faces, so what makes you think that music or singing will work for everyone? Stress is part of life so stop trying to

    Posted by MS on 15 May 2024

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    I used to join a singing group called Sing Australia; the feeling of just gathering together with other individuals, regardless of age, gender or beliefs, was one of continuous anticipation and hopefulness. Sharing a common interest definitely helped me to keep my brain and body from burnout, and is my avenue of stress relief. I guess this extrapolates to choirs as well as it's pretty much the same type of setting.

    Posted by fatmantis on 15 May 2024

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    As you need to be in time and in tune with others, it is a concentration exercise that can take you away from everyday stress.

    Posted by Miro on 15 May 2024

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    It think it takes a fair bit of concentration to remember lyrics and it's a great way for older people to keep their minds active as they age.

    Posted by vlee on 15 May 2024

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    a form of relief like no other

    Posted by sparra on 15 May 2024

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    Singing allows you to yell at the top of your voice, to get out all that pent up anger and frustration and have a good time while doing it - who wouldn't want to sing in a choir?

    Posted by glynis on 15 May 2024

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    Tara Rata

    If they enjoy it then it's good for them

    Posted by Tara Rata on 15 May 2024

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    Particularly when I was working it was a great way to focus on something that was not work related and come away relaxed and in a better place. Now I am retired it is still a buzz to spend time with a diverse group of people.

    Posted by Churnside on 15 May 2024

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    An activity that allows artist expression/release and a chance to interact with like minded people.

    Posted by Jim on 15 May 2024

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    Distract from the everyday and being in a choir gives those like myself with a so so voice a chance to still participate and enjoy this distraction from the everyday stresses we face these days.

    Posted by PM.11 on 15 May 2024

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    Stress can actually be good for you! Without stress us homo sapiens would have died out a very long time ago.

    Posted by MS on 15 May 2024

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    Singing and music expression more broadly is a wonderfully therapeutic activity. There is significant research on those with specific disabilities where music has significant impacts. For able bodied people ( whatever that means ) it is a wonderful release in todays society

    Posted by stratman on 15 May 2024

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    I wouldn't restrict this to only singing, any outlet can help with mind and body and not everyone sings !

    Posted by Jigsaw on 15 May 2024

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    That's correct! We all like different things so the so called experts on here are claiming we must be all like them? There are many who don't like their own singing voice and besides that, they would need to learn the words of a song. It takes time and who has got the time these days? I get it--if you have the time, but most don't. If you have the talent for it, then keep doing it if makes you happy, but leave others to enjoy the things they prefer to do.

    Posted by MS on 15 May 2024

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    I just think doing any hobby you enjoy would have a similar effect.

    Posted by tutti_cutie on 15 May 2024

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    I am an introvert and singing in a choir is definitely not something that I want to do. It would not help me at all.

    Posted by merryl on 15 May 2024

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    We all have an inner part of us which needs expression or outlet. Too many keep it suppressed being too focused on getting through all the duties and 'must-dos' each day. Unless we allow that inner 'need' to escape now and then we could become anxious, frustrated, depressed and unfulfilled. Some find this outlet by running, swimming or other physical activity. However, it can also be satisfied by joining a theatre group or choir where the companionship of people we might never otherwise meet helps us experience a pleasure we would never otherwise have felt. The joy of singing, sharing, hearing beautiful music and feeling we are part of something special can really help us 'unwind' and lead a happier life overall.

    Posted by Eileen on 15 May 2024

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    How come Live Tribe allows this dribble? Singing is good for you but that is going over the top.

    Posted by LeafyGreen on 15 May 2024

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    Seeing as most people couldn't hold a note if their life depended on it IMO these made up 'facts' are typical of a bored 'Anna'. I doubt if they even read the replies as they are too busy inventing new 'facts' to post for their amusement.

    Posted by ere on 17 May 2024

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    I agree totally with MS!!! Get real Anna !!

    Posted by mact on 14 May 2024

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    I don't not know where you get such nonsense but you are entitled to your opinion. You sound like a new-ager... We had assembly at school where we were required to sing certain songs, but I can not say I felt any of those things you described. Tell us when you come back down to earth please.

    Posted by MS on 14 May 2024

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