How Can Exercise Treat And Prevent Common Mental Health Issues?

The link between mental health and physical activity is strong enough that studies are showing exercise can be used on its own as a treatment for mild to moderate depression or anxiety. Physical activity has also been shown to prevent the onset of common mental health conditions in the first place. A review has found that using physical activity to treat mild to moderate depression and anxiety was more effective than conventional treatments like therapy. And on average, it was about 1.5 times more effective than medications. What are your thoughts LiveTribers? How can exercise treat and prevent common mental health issues?

Posted by on 08 Mar 2024

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    Doing exercise not only improved the physical health. It also boasts our mental health by feeling good about ourselves and what we accomplish by simply doing exercise.

    Posted by maria on 19 Apr 2024

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    I have recently suffered from a mental health issue and know for sure I feel better if I can motivate myself to exercise - especially if it is outside in the fresh air and sunshine. I will usually sleep a bit better if I have exercised during the day

    Posted by Louise on 12 Apr 2024

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    I think that exercise can help alleviate many problems. It is another case of 'use it or lose it', and it helps with all sorts of problems. If something is good for any part of the body it is good for all of it, so eat well in moderation for good nutrition and exercise to assist all other problems.

    Posted by CILLY0 on 12 Apr 2024

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    My understanding is that it releases a large amount of endorphins which is the equivalent of taking medicine. That said it may not be enough for everyone and even doing a bit of exercise is an achievement in itself.

    Posted by Kaede on 03 Apr 2024

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    Best Man

    I think exercise will have good impact on our mental health because it will make our body produce some positive chemical that in turn bring a lot of benefits to our body and mental

    Posted by Best Man on 03 Apr 2024

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    Of course exercise is good for you but it doesn't work for everyone. Studies like these don't always take this into account and can end up making people feel like failures because they need a bit of chemical help as well.

    Posted by Kittykato on 03 Apr 2024

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    I’ve been boxing for the last 3 months, and I find that the days when I do go, I generally feel a lot better after the session and I also sleep better (this could also be because I’m tired so sleep well). As someone who suffers from depression and takes medication for it, I can see that exercise does bring about a positive change.

    Posted by gregorypark on 03 Apr 2024

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    Too many people saying they suffer from depression, I doubt it. I think it's just people using it as an excuse these days. Of course one should exercise if they can. It's part of being healthy. But, I think some who say they have depression are just too lazy.

    Posted by MS on 14 Mar 2024

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    I do Tai Chi 4 times a week and that has been found to reduce blood pressure and keep you calm. My pills are going out the window!!!

    Posted by CILLY0 on 12 Mar 2024

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    I use a treadmill most days to try and keep fit and have noticed I always feel happier after I've done it. I've also noticed I sleep better when I've been on the treadmill that day and I fall asleep much quicker that night.

    Posted by vlee on 12 Mar 2024

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    Exercise has a multitude of benefits for mental health, both in treating existing conditions and preventing them from developing. Such as Improved Sleep, Distraction and Mindfulness, Prevention of Cognitive Decline,Balanced Neurotransmitters.

    Posted by Jay on 12 Mar 2024

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    I think exercise is a great way to help with mild to moderate depression but sufferers should keep in touch with their doctor and not feel bad if they need a bit extra help. When my marriage broke up I walked and walked, even up and down the driveway at night when the kids were in bed. It really helped and now my youngest son (now adult) walks whenever things get him down. He says he remembers me doing it!

    Posted by sandra on 12 Mar 2024

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    At the end of the day, we are machines and need to move, otherwise we seize up. I have NEVER felt bad for going for a walk.

    Posted by Miro on 12 Mar 2024

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    Nothing beats going for a short walk or being outside in nature to calm your thoughts and lift your mood. It defiantly helps with depression and anxiety

    Posted by Christine on 12 Mar 2024

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    Mary Cole

    Being outdoors gardening is a type of exercise, you can bend, walk, carry things it's still a method of movement and the sunshine is also great for your mind and body.

    Posted by Mary Cole on 12 Mar 2024

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    what I feel is that exercise could let the negatives inside your body totally out during the process.

    Posted by XIAOYANG on 12 Mar 2024

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    Good exercise is good for physical and mental health as far as I can see.

    Posted by bmlglp on 12 Mar 2024

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    Sounds reasonable to me. i have NEVER seen any study that does say exercise is not good for you. I am sure the drug industry would not be that happy if people exercised more and would run some sort of campaign to get doctors to prescribe every thing they can. After all addictions to prescribed drugs is good for business isn't it.

    Posted by jeeves01 on 12 Mar 2024

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    They key to any treatment is to listen to the experts and work with them to find what works best - there is no magic bullet though exercise may be a live round in the chamber so to speak

    Posted by stratman on 12 Mar 2024

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    wrestling collector

    I remember when I was younger,how much better you feel after any form of exercise.Trouble is as you age it becomes harder & harder to keep active enough to recapture those feelings.

    Posted by wrestling collector on 12 Mar 2024

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    Yes this definitely helps for me.

    Posted by tutti_cutie on 12 Mar 2024

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    I completely agree with this. I have found a love for running after being in a bad place mentally. I didn't want to go on any kind of medication but chose to focus on something that would make me mentally stronger. I a now completing a half marathon every weekend and focussing on a full marathon these easter holidays. My ultimate goal is an ultra marathon to prove to myself I am now stronger than I used to be.

    Posted by Kele on 12 Mar 2024

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    Heard it too Exercise does so many good to the body

    Posted by Drayl on 12 Mar 2024

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    Definitely a good thing to be doing when you are not feeling great mentally. Just gives you a clear train of thought and makes you feel better.

    Posted by Karen on 12 Mar 2024

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    Exercise increases the amount of endorphins which reduces or relieves pain which can be a major contributor of mental health issues. It can also increase your sense of well-being.

    Posted by SagoLeo on 12 Mar 2024

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    Exercise aids mental health by boosting neurotransmitters, fostering a sense of accomplishment, and reducing feelings of isolation. Its impact on stress management, self-esteem, and cognitive function underscores its pivotal role in preventing and treating common mental health issues.

    Posted by Cazzaj on 12 Mar 2024

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    This is correct, exercise or any physical activity distracts your brain because you're focused on something else and your mental issues are forgotten about temporarily like when the chemicals in your brain change making your bad mood into a good mood and also exercising can make you sleep better and can also help with your self-esteem which can help improved your mental health.

    Posted by Wade on 09 Mar 2024

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    They are always coming out with something NEW. I guess they have to justify their jobs somehow.

    Posted by MS on 09 Mar 2024

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    The answer is exercise. It can even be free!

    Posted by sulter on 09 Mar 2024

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    Well.....Anna have answered the contention in the question!

    Posted by mact on 08 Mar 2024

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    I'd like to see this so-called 'review' and the qualifications of the reviewers. Link or it didn't happen.

    Posted by ere on 09 Mar 2024

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