How Can Avocado Seeds Help With Joint Pain?

Avocado seeds, traditionally discarded as waste, have been recognized for their anti-inflammatory properties, which may offer relief for those suffering from joint pain. Scientific investigations into the bioactive compounds within avocado seeds suggest they might help address inflammation, a primary cause of discomfort in conditions like arthritis. Incorporating avocado seed into one’s lifestyle could be done in various ways, such as creating a topical application or incorporating it into the diet. What do you think LiveTribers? How can avocado seeds help with joint pain?

Posted by on 25 Mar 2024

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    How can you use it in your diet ? Its basically a wooden ball.

    Posted by McCOOL on 05 May 2024

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    Avocado is great on keto diet

    Posted by Rhonda on 05 May 2024

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    Best Man

    I like the flavor of avocado. Anybody try it with milk?

    Posted by Best Man on 05 May 2024

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    They are very big though. People could choke on them.

    Posted by tassiegirl on 05 May 2024

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    I have mixed feelings about consuming an avocado seed in spite of the supposed benefits.............................have you seen those things? - they're as big as a golf ball

    Posted by stratman on 01 May 2024

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    Not sure about eating the Avocado seed, so how would you incorporate it into your diet. ?

    Posted by oldngrey on 15 Apr 2024

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    Cant see any benefits in this

    Posted by Jigsaw on 12 Apr 2024

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    I think it's important to note that scientific evidence supporting this claim is limited, and more research is needed to fully understand the effects of avocado seeds on joint health before we jump into conclusion.

    Posted by Jay on 12 Apr 2024

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    Just sounds like the latest fad with no real benefit

    Posted by Kittykato on 12 Apr 2024

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    Anything natural that helps with everyday aches and pains is worth a go. Better than the chemicals taken into the body system.

    Posted by Christine on 12 Apr 2024

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    Have never heard of this and the thought of trying to mulch such a slippery seed is beyond me. I do eat the flesh and hope that is as beneficial as the seed!

    Posted by CILLY0 on 12 Apr 2024

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    First I heard of this. Apparently turmeric or curcimin is a better choice. Though you really need to find the cause in the first place and get rid of the cause.

    Posted by LeafyGreen on 12 Apr 2024

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    Seems like yet another plant that has extremely mild anti-inflammatory properties, that will help no-one. I'll stick with unnatural medicine that has a real impact thanks. Save those avocado seeds for making biodegradable straws and plastic-free product packaging please!

    Posted by Suzanne on 03 Apr 2024

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    I am extremely interested to hear how others have had positive results for ingesting anything natural to help relieve the anguish and extrene pain from arthritis please as I am unable to ingest analgesics due to a a damaged kidney condition! I have heard of various seeds and spices being of benefit but not avocafo for example...

    Posted by Anna on 03 Apr 2024

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    Sounds like something that will interest me. I have osteoarthritis in my knees which has been around for a long time and I always like to look into different ideas that could help. Thanks for posting about it. I'll have to look into it to find out more.

    Posted by vlee on 03 Apr 2024

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    I think the answer to many health complaints can be found in nature. We are only just starting to tap into it.

    Posted by Miro on 03 Apr 2024

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    It sounds interesting. Need to wait and see if it can be turned into a medicine.

    Posted by bmlglp on 03 Apr 2024

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    Seems like this is just another in the long list of things that "might help address inflammation" but are very expensive to purchase. I have not seen any commercial product for this relating to compounds extracted from avocado seeds.

    Posted by allandiana on 03 Apr 2024

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    This is like many other remedies which may help some people and may not help others.

    Posted by merryl on 03 Apr 2024

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    This would be great if it works, even if only for some people. I hope there are more studies done to look into the possibilities and I would gladly offer to be a guinea pig!

    Posted by sandra on 03 Apr 2024

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    If they can really help with joint pain I don't care, eat it or rub it on I'll give it a try.

    Posted by Paula on 29 Mar 2024

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    How would you take it? Raw or cooked? Or dried and powered? As a herbal tea? I think I would try it as a cream first. Plants do have incredible healing powers.

    Posted by sulter on 29 Mar 2024

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    It might just work if you swallowed an entire seed. It would only help as a short term fix, while you were choking on it joint pain would be the least of your problems.

    Posted by Nuffie on 29 Mar 2024

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    she cat

    The seed is huge, apart from planting it and waiting for years to get an avocado , how can you use it? Very hard to try and smash it up. I put it into the green waste.

    Posted by she cat on 27 Mar 2024

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    Yet another yet to be fully tested and proven fad. Probably originated in SE QLD or North East NSW.... following a night of dope over indulgence!!!!!

    Posted by mact on 25 Mar 2024

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    I'm not really a fan of advocados. I'm not aware of this regard to the seeds. If people have arthritic conditions then they probably would be better off looking at their overall diet than focusing on something like avocado seeds. Some say tumeric can be helpful, but too much can affect the liver. I think the best bet is to find a good Naturopath, nutritional practitioner, if you can afford it. Or buy a book or two which is most likely to cheapest option. I wish government would subsidise alternative treatments and alternative practitioners, for people that need it. It's a shame so many have to resort to medical drugs that often have side effects.

    Posted by MS on 25 Mar 2024

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    Avocado seeds contain a compound called amygdalin, which can release cyanide when ingested. There's no way I'd be following this crazy idea and deliberately poisoning myself. There are plenty of safe anti-inflammatory products on the market that are less dangerous to people's health.

    Posted by ere on 25 Mar 2024

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