Breastfeeding in public controversy

According to one recent study, only about 36% of infants are exclusively breastfed in the modern era. In developing countries, in particular, poor feeding practices are said to contribute to the deaths of more than 800,000 kids under five each year. At this point, breastfeeding is widely considered to be the safer and healthier choice […]

Here at LiveTribe our forums are a place for lively discussions across an array of topics from “who should be the next James Bond” to “should indigenous Australians be recognised”. Our members join in these discussions with tidbits of knowledge, hilarious commentary, and memorable one-liners. So, we have collated a few of our favourites – […]

Turbocharged Internet

If you’d have told someone even as recently as 20 years ago that the Internet would one day become an inescapable part of our daily lives, they probably would have laughed at you. Yet that’s exactly where we are, as advancements in modern technology have turned the Web into a solution that both our personal […]

My Health Record ft img

At LiveTribe, we believe that everyone should have a voice and that all opinions are inherently valuable – that’s why we regularly post forums to our users to give them the opportunity to weigh in on a lot of prominent topics of our day. Recently, the subject of discussion turned towards a concept that is […]


If you had to make a list of all of the most pressing challenges that we’re currently facing as a society, environmental protection would undoubtedly be right at the top. According to one recent study, there will be over one billion cars on roads around the world by as soon as 2025. Currently, there are […]